Intrecci TV 2000

The series begins with the story of Antoneta, a 17 years old girl from Kossovo, who speaks of the life of the refugees, of a tragedy which in 1999 characterized a huge human commitment in the Balkans.
Introduced by an explanatory note, it proposes different interventions on the changes the "globalized" world brings into our reality and into the financial and social relations. Among them an interview with the Nobel Prize José Luis Saramago. All this is followed by shots and evidence of the protest which took place at the recent WTO in Seattle. A few examples of rural and urban everyday realities in Guatemala, Bombay, Cairo and Armenia - which have hardly ever been shown before - explain, better than words, the real face of "globalization".
This part begins with an interview to Fabio Fazio during the support campaign "Sdebitarsi", followed by those to Luca De Fraia, co-ordinator of the campaign itself, and to the theologian Giulio Girardi about the debt cancellation in the Jubilee year. Also the opinions of representatives of a few countries of the south of the world which are in debt to the rich countries have been emphasized. And finally we enter the every-day reality of a village in Ghana, a country where the average per-capita income is equivalent to the debt that each of its 18 million inhabitants has been accumulating since his birth: 400 dollars, which are equivalent, with due proportion, to 40 million lire for each Italian.
Introduced by Monsignor Belo, bishop of Timor East and Nobel Prize for Peace, it continues with an interview to the Turkish lawyer of the Kurdish leader Ocalan. In the last few years Latin America is the continent where, more than in others, human rights have been systematically violated, as the words of two people from Guatemala prove. Judge Gherardo Colombo - from Milano's court of law speaks of the stopping of international impunity for governors who have committed crimes against their own people. Next we face the subject of the Argentinian "desaparacidos" of Italian origin, with witnesses gathered among the "Madres de Mayo”.
This time "Intrecci" does not physically go out of Italy, but gives a look onto far-off realities which have entered our every-day life through immigration. There are countries such as the U.S.A. where 99% of the population consists of migrants or descendants of migrants. And yet they have been able to transform immigration into a resource, while in Italy the migrant is often considered a menace. This part starts with a few interviews gathered at the COCIS convention "Immigrazione e sviluppo: quali strategie" and continues with a reportage about the exhibition "Sola andata" promoted by CIES and presently on at Reggio Emilia. Next we enter the reality of a migrants' community: the Philippine, one of the first and largest migrant flows that have ever come to Italy. A different world, with problems, expectations and hopes we shall speak of again in the next series.
In the countries not affected by the demographic drop, the young generations form and sometimes exceed 50% of the total population. A multicoloured and complex reality, the very future of mankind, to which URIHI has devoted a series of ten documentaries shot in Africa, Asia and Latin America, an education project for schools distributed also in the bookshops by EMI. Every day most of these children and youngsters have to face dramatic events caused by war, both as victims and soldiers. A painful and terrible situation, which has been analysed for us by the Mexican sociologist Maria Eugenia Villareal. Children who prostitute themselves, street children, children-labourers: these are only a few aspects of children condition which have been dealt with during the meeting "Costruttori del futuro" (Builders of future), recently held in Milano at the Istituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne (IULM). Also in some countries of Eastern Europe the fall of the Communist regimes has provoked deep economic and social damages, that have mainly affected the youngest part of the population.
The themes analysed are very complex situations, sometimes provoked by natural catastrophes, but often caused by man, such as wars between countries or internal conflicts. Just to face these more and more frequent hotbeds, a group of NGOs for the co-operation with developing countries has summoned a meeting, in order to identify strategies and suggest proposals of collaboration between the Government and the civil society. During the meeting a particular attention has been focused on three large critical areas, about which we get only fragmentary and occasional news: from Central America to Somaliland and to the Balkans, which are now going through a very difficult process of pacification.
A short introduction helps to introduce the theme, followed by the presentation of the book Quel che resta del mondo, in which the authors, eight years after Rio de Janeiro's World Conference on Environment, report witnesses and comments on the many wounds of our planet. Emma Cucchi, a doctor-volunteer, speaks of the delicate and much debated problem of coca, while Father Angelo Pansa, Saverian missionary in Brazil, speaks of deforestation and the subsequent desertification in Amazonia.
Rural women form an almost invisible social group, that nevertheless include more than one billion people in the five continents. Just to enhance their work, the UN celebrate the 16th of October as rural women's world day. URIHI, in collaboration with the FAO - the UN agency for food and agriculture - has realized La donna nutre il mondo , an information project in 5 documentaries that show rural women the differencies, but also the analogies in their work and life conditions.
The many contradictions - still unsolved - of our planet seem to find their peak in Africa, the poorest continent that in spite of the considerable natural resources is still afflicted by endemic wars, undernourishment, diseases and a very high population growth rate. And yet there is a different Africa: active, industrious, which is looking for new ways and solutions to problems of vital importance, as we can see in two reportages shot in Ghana and Ivory Coast.
Five years after Pekin's U.N. World Conference many of the commitments undertaken by the Governments have not been carried out, but women's movement still finds new opportunities for cohesion, growth and work in local realities, from Ireland to Guatemala, from India to Africa. Also the dramatic situation that millions of Afghan women have to face daily cannot be ignored, even though the youngest generations try to rise up against it.